Freight Management Services
Freight Management Services Reduces Your Costs
Freight management services? Yes, we can handle your cumbersome day-to-day administrative tasks. Our team will expedite your load building, route planning and load tendering for potential savings of up to 40%. We’ll increase your trailer optimization and reduce your billable carrier miles.
Freight Management Services
Automated selection of lowest cost carrier
Isolate continuous move / backhaul opportunities for carriers and private fleet
Automated tendering to carriers
Mode selection
– Multi stop TL vs. LTL
– Intermodal vs. TL
Improved load building
Improved route planning
Value Delivered
Potential 40 % reduction in administrative costs
– Routine clerical tasks outsourced
– Load building, route planning and load tendering
Intermodal vs. TL rate 35 % or higher potential savings
Load planning 25 % less spend on multi-stop lanes
– Reduced billable carrier miles
Increase trailer utilization by 32 %
– Heavier loads
– Cube loads out on large orders